雨濛Jamie 发表于 2021-9-15 23:27:02

全球云聘会即将开启 合肥千企万岗 等你来

2021年“智汇合肥高校行”秋招活动全球云聘会即将正式启动!2021 "Zhihui Hefei University Tour" AutumnRecruitment ActivityThe Global Cloud Job Fair will be officially launchedsoon! 天下英才“云上见”千企万岗“等你来Global talents, we "See you on thecloud"Thousands of enterprises, tens of thousandsof positions are "Waiting for you” 9月18日 北京时间 8:00-11:30全球云聘会盛大启动点击链接: http://z2u.tv/0YSuiK收看线上直播,还有名企直播带岗哦September 18, Beijing time 8:00-11:30The Global Cloud Employment Fair will beofficially launchedClick on the link: http://z2u.tv/0YSuiKWatch online launch ceremony live broadcasts,and famous companies live broadcasts 云聘会启动当天,市有关部门负责同志将面向全球进行城市推介,介绍合肥的优势产业、优质平台、优美环境、优越政策。活动还将邀请一批科学家、企业家、高校领导和学生代表为合肥“代言”“打CALL”,与大家分享“合肥故事”。On the day of Cloud Job Fair launchceremony, the comrades of relevant municipal departments will promote citiesaround the world, introducing Hefei's advantageous industries, high-qualityplatforms, beautiful environment, and superior policies. The event will alsoinvite a group of scientists, entrepreneurs, university leaders and studentrepresentatives to "endorse" and "call CALL" for Hefei, andshare the "Hefei Story" with everyone. 线上,以“智汇合肥·云聘会”平台为主阵地,90所国内高校和10所海外高校师生将齐聚线上平台,通过直播互动、线上投递、视频面试等方式开启“合肥之旅”。Online, with the platform of "ZhihuiHefei Cloud Job Fair" as the main position, teachers and students from 90domestic universities and 10 overseas universities will gather on the onlineplatform to open this trip to Hefei through live interaction, online resume delivery,and video interviews. 线下,来自中国科大等在肥高校院所的百名博士将现场观看全球云聘会启动仪式,并分路参加智汇合肥青年行活动,与重点产业企业进行“面对面”“点对点”的交流互动。Offline, hundreds of doctors from theUniversity of Science and Technology of China and other institutes in Hefeiwill watch the launch ceremony of the Global Cloud Employment Conferenceon-site, and will participate in the Zhihui Hefei Youth Activity in separateways, and conduct "face-to-face" and "point-to-point"exchanges and interactions with key industrial enterprises .欲了解有关启动仪式详情,请点击:http://z2u.tv/0YSuiNTo learn more about the launch ceremony,please click: http://z2u.tv/0YSuiN 查看名企单位,了解人才补贴政策,访问海外专场企业大厅请登录云聘会主页:http://z2u.tv/0YSuiO科大讯飞、BOE、联宝科技、蔚来汽车、安科生物、格力、海尔等1000+家企业,10000+企业岗位,党政单位200个事业编制岗位,等你来投递简历!Check the famous enterprises, understandthe talent subsidy policy, and visit the overseas special corporate hallPlease log in to the homepage of the Cloud JobFair: http://z2u.tv/0YSuiOiFLYTEK, BOE, Lianbao Technology, NIO, AnkeBio, Gree, etc., there are 1000+ companies, 10000+positions, 200 careerestablishment positions in the party and government units, waiting for you tosubmit your resume! 别犹豫了,你与理想中的岗位,只有“一键”之遥!现在就投递简历吧!Don't hesitate, you and your ideal positionare only "one-click" away! Submit your resume now!
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